Utah custody change form
Utah custody change form

(m) who has been the primary caretaker of the child.(l) the child's interaction and relationship with step-parents, extended family members of other individuals who may significantly affect the child's best interests.(k) the parent's financial responsibility.(j) the parent's religious compatibility with the child.(i) duration and depth of desire for custody or parent-time.(h) the parent's reasons for having relinquished custody or parent-time in the past.(g) whether the parent has intentionally exposed the child to pornography or material harmful to minors, as "material" and "harmful to minors" are defined in Section 76-10-1201.(f) the parent's inability to function as a parent because of drug abuse, excessive drinking, or other causes.(e) the emotional stability of the parent.(d) in accordance with Subsection (10), the past conduct and demonstrated moral character of the parent.(iii) ability to provide personal care rather than surrogate care.(C) willingness to allow frequent and continuous contact between the child and the other parent, except that, if the court determines that the parent is acting to protect the child from domestic violence, neglect, or abuse, the parent's protective actions may be taken into consideration and.

utah custody change form

  • (B) ability to encourage the sharing of love and affection and.
  • (A) ability to appropriately communicate with the other parent.
  • utah custody change form

    (c) the parent's capacity and willingness to function as a parent, including:.(b) the parent's demonstrated understanding of, responsiveness to, and ability to meet the developmental needs of the child, including the child's:.(a) evidence of domestic violence, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse, involving the child, the parent, or a household member of the parent.(2) In determining any form of custody and parent-time under Subsection (1), the court shall consider the best interest of the child and may consider among other factors the court finds relevant, the following for each parent:.(1) If a married couple having one or more minor children are separated, or the married couple's marriage is declared void or dissolved, the court shall enter, and has continuing jurisdiction to modify, an order of custody and parent-time.We have two offices conveniently located in Ogden and Riverton.30-3-10. To learn more about how we can help, call 80 today or fill out our contact form. Trust a firm that wants to help you find a solution you can be comfortable with. These cases must be handled with the utmost care. We can discuss all of the options you are facing. It depends on the specifics of your circumstances. While many assume the mother will automatically get custody, that is not always the case.

    utah custody change form

    Sole custody is when one parent has the responsibility of the child and their well-being. Joint custody involves time with both parents, where each has a say in medical and educational decisions for the child. There are many different forms of child custody and visitation schedules, and they are unique to your situation. The relationship between each parent and the child, the location of the child’s school and the ability to care for the child are among the most important. They will look at a number of factors when deciding on the terms of your custody agreement. When that can’t happen, the court will have the final say. If it is possible to reach an agreement with your former partner, we can help you do that. It is important to know that these cases do not have to end up in front of a judge. Offering Tailored Solutions For Our Clients With our help, you can find the light at the end of the tunnel. Over the last 26 years, we have handled the most complex cases. BDJ Express Law has helped clients throughout Utah understand their options. Determining what happens to your child is among the most stressful. When a couple separates, there are many decisions that must be made.

    Utah custody change form